CODEGATE 2024 Writeup
Sun Jun 02 2024
I participated in CODEGATE 2024 held on 6/1-2 with the team WreckTheLine. The result was 11th/220 in the General division.
Baby Login
10 solves
main.gopackage main import ( "bufio" "crypto/aes" "crypto/ecdsa" "crypto/elliptic" "crypto/hmac" "crypto/rand" "crypto/sha256" "crypto/subtle" "encoding/base64" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "math/big" "os" "os/signal" "strings" "syscall" "time" "" ) type HTTPRequest struct { Method string `json:"method"` Uid string `json:"uid"` Password string `json:"password"` Session string `json:"session"` Secret string `json:"secret"` Path string `json:"path"` } type User struct { userName string userRole string } var SessionManager map[string]User var SERVER_SECRET_KEY []byte func pad(s []byte, length int) []byte { for len(s)%length != 0 || len(s) < length { s = append(s, byte('\x00')) } return s } func unpad(s []byte) []byte { for s[len(s)-1] == byte('\x00') { s = s[:len(s)-1] } return s } func KDF(Gx, Gy *big.Int, serverPriv []byte) ([]byte, []byte) { _m, _ := elliptic.P256().ScalarMult(Gx, Gy, serverPriv) key := pad(_m.Bytes(), 32) return key[:16], key[16:32] } func passwordGen(uid, role string) []byte { curve := elliptic.P256() R, _ := ecdsa.GenerateKey(curve, rand.Reader) Gx, Gy := R.PublicKey.X, R.PublicKey.Y key1, key2 := KDF(Gx, Gy, SERVER_SECRET_KEY) cipher, _ := aes.NewCipher(key1) ct := make([]byte, 16) cipher.Encrypt(ct, pad([]byte(uid+"_GUEST"), 16)) out := append(Gx.Bytes(), Gy.Bytes()...) out = append(out, ct...) hmac := hmac.New(sha256.New, key2) hmac.Write(out) tag := hmac.Sum(nil) out = append(out, tag...) return out } func indexHandler(r HTTPRequest) { if r.Method == "GET" { u := SessionManager[r.Session] if u.userName == "" { fmt.Println("Register first and login to access the website!") return } else { fmt.Println("Hi " + u.userName + "! You are logged in as " + u.userRole) } return } else { fmt.Println("Method Not Allowed") return } } func registerHandler(r HTTPRequest) { if r.Method == "GET" { fmt.Println("You can register with your username!") return } else if r.Method == "POST" { uid := r.Uid if uid == "" { fmt.Println("Bad Request") return } else if uid == "ADMIN" { fmt.Println("Nope! You can't register as ADMIN!") return } password := passwordGen(uid, "GUEST") fmt.Println("Here is your password token : " + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(password)) return } else { fmt.Println("Method Not Allowed") return } } func loginHandler(r HTTPRequest) { if r.Method == "GET" { fmt.Println("You can login with your username and password token!") return } else if r.Method == "POST" { uname := SessionManager[r.Session].userName if uname != "" { fmt.Println("You are already logged in as " + uname) return } uid := r.Uid password := r.Password if uid == "" || password == "" { fmt.Println("Bad Request") return } pw, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(password) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Bad Request") return } length := len(pw) if length < 112 || length%16 != 0 { fmt.Println("Bad Request") return } Gx := new(big.Int).SetBytes(pw[:32]) Gy := new(big.Int).SetBytes(pw[32:64]) ct, hmac_in := pw[64:length-32], pw[length-32:] key1, key2 := KDF(Gx, Gy, SERVER_SECRET_KEY) hmac := hmac.New(sha256.New, key2) hmac.Write(pw[:length-32]) tag := hmac.Sum(nil) if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(tag, hmac_in) != 1 { fmt.Println("Unauthorized") return } cipher, _ := aes.NewCipher(key1) pt := make([]byte, len(ct)) cipher.Decrypt(pt, ct) tmp := strings.Split(string(unpad(pt)), "_") if len(tmp) < 2 { fmt.Println("Unauthorized") return } userId, userRole := tmp[0], tmp[1] if userId != uid { fmt.Println("Unauthorized") return } u, _ := uuid.NewRandom() var user User user.userName = userId user.userRole = userRole SessionManager[u.String()] = user fmt.Println("Hello " + userId + "! You are logged in as " + userRole + "!!") fmt.Println("Here is your session : " + u.String()) return } else { fmt.Println("Method Not Allowed") return } } func logoutHandler(r HTTPRequest) { if r.Method == "GET" { uname := SessionManager[r.Session].userName if uname == "" { fmt.Println("You are not logged in!") return } delete(SessionManager, r.Session) fmt.Println("Logged out successfully!") return } else { fmt.Println("Method Not Allowed") return } } func flagHandler(r HTTPRequest) { if r.Method == "POST" { uname := SessionManager[r.Session].userName userRole := SessionManager[r.Session].userRole if uname != "ADMIN" || userRole != "admin" { fmt.Println("Unauthorized") return } secret := r.Secret sec, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(secret) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Bad Request") return } if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(SERVER_SECRET_KEY, sec) != 1 { fmt.Println("Unauthorized") return } FLAG, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("./flag") fmt.Println("Here is your flag : " + string(FLAG)) } else { fmt.Println("Method Not Allowed") return } } func getRequest(r *bufio.Reader) (HTTPRequest, error) { var err error var input string var request HTTPRequest fmt.Print("> ") input, err = r.ReadString('\n') if err != nil { return HTTPRequest{}, err } err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(input), &request) if err != nil { return HTTPRequest{}, err } return request, nil } func generateRandomString(length int) string { const charset = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" b := make([]byte, length) for i := range b { num, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, big.NewInt(int64(len(charset)))) if err != nil { panic(err) } b[i] = charset[num.Int64()] } return string(b) } func validateHash(hashValue *big.Int) bool { shifted := new(big.Int).Rsh(hashValue, 24) shifted.Lsh(shifted, 24) return shifted.Cmp(hashValue) == 0 } func PoW() { randomString := generateRandomString(16) fmt.Println("PoW > " + randomString) var answer string fmt.Scanln(&answer) concatenated := randomString + answer hash := sha256.Sum256([]byte(concatenated)) hashValue := new(big.Int).SetBytes(hash[:]) if !validateHash(hashValue) { fmt.Println("Invalid PoW") os.Exit(1) } } func main() { PoW() sigChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(sigChan, syscall.SIGALRM) go func() { time.Sleep(600 * time.Second) fmt.Println("timeout") os.Exit(1) }() SessionManager = make(map[string]User) SERVER_SECRET_KEY = make([]byte, 33) _, _ = rand.Read(SERVER_SECRET_KEY) fmt.Println("webAPI for my \"Baby Login\" system") reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) for { request, err := getRequest(reader) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Invalid input") return } switch request.Path { case "/", "/index.html": indexHandler(request) case "/register.html": registerHandler(request) case "/login.html": loginHandler(request) case "/logout.html": logoutHandler(request) case "/flag.html": flagHandler(request) default: fmt.Println("Invalid path") } } }
In order to get a flag, we need to login as ADMIN with admin role. In addition we need to know the SERVER_SECRET_KEY.
The first vulnerability is that loginHandler parses userId and userRole as {userId}_{userRole}. If we register the user with uId ADMIN_admin and login with the token, we can login as ADMIN with admin role and get that session.
The second, and the main vulnerability is that this program uses elliptic.P256().ScalarMult, which is deprecated. I googled ScalarMult and found golang 1.19 release note, which says that ScalarMult doesn't check if the point is on the curve before this version. Since go.mod says the version of golang is 1.18, I can use this vulnerability to get the SERVER_SECRET_KEY.
I remembered a similar challenge, TIRAMISU in Google CTF 2021 (my writeup). I used a same way as that one.
I first collect curve points with small prime orders on .
import pickle # P256 p = 115792089210356248762697446949407573530086143415290314195533631308867097853951 a = -3 data = {} while True: tmp_b = randint(0, p - 1) tmp_E = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [a, tmp_b]) tmp_n = tmp_E.order() factors = list(tmp_n.factor(limit=2**20)) for tmp_p, _ in factors: if tmp_p > 2**16: continue tmp_P = tmp_E.gens()[0] * (tmp_n // tmp_p) if tmp_P != tmp_E(0) and tmp_p not in data: data[tmp_p] = tmp_P with open("./data", "wb") as fp: pickle.dump(data, fp)
Then I calculate SERVER_SECRET_KEY with CRT. I don't know why but a curve point with relatively small prime order often gives infinity point even if multiplied by any integer. So I need to skip such points.
We can't distinguish the sign of SERVER_SECRET_KEY mod b_i, so I first recover SERVER_SECRET_KEY^2 and then calculate sqrt of it.
solve.sageimport hmac import json import pickle import random import string from base64 import b64decode, b64encode from dataclasses import dataclass from hashlib import sha256 from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes from Crypto.Cipher import AES from tqdm import tqdm from pwn import remote, context @dataclass class HTTPRequest: method: str = "" uid: str = "" password: str = "" session: str = "" secret: str = "" path: str = "" def to_json(self): return json.dumps(self.__dict__) # P256 p = 115792089210356248762697446949407573530086143415290314195533631308867097853951 n = 115792089210356248762697446949407573529996955224135760342422259061068512044369 a = -3 b = 0x5ac635d8aa3a93e7b3ebbd55769886bc651d06b0cc53b0f63bce3c3e27d2604b Gx = 0x6b17d1f2e12c4247f8bce6e563a440f277037d812deb33a0f4a13945d898c296 Gy = 0x4fe342e2fe1a7f9b8ee7eb4a7c0f9e162bce33576b315ececbb6406837bf51f5 E = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [a, b]) G = E(Gx, Gy) def register(uid: str): tmp = HTTPRequest(method="POST", uid=uid, path="/register.html").to_json() io.sendlineafter(b"> ", tmp.encode()) io.recvuntil(b"token : ") ret = io.recvline().strip().decode() return b64decode(ret) def login(uid: str, password: bytes): tmp = HTTPRequest(method="POST", uid=uid, password=b64encode(password).decode(), path="/login.html").to_json() io.sendlineafter(b"> ", tmp.encode()) ret = io.recvline().decode().strip() if ret == "Unauthorized": return None ret = io.recvuntil(b"session : ") if b"session : " not in ret: return None return io.recvline().strip().decode() def flag(session: str, secret: bytes): tmp = HTTPRequest(method="POST", session=session, secret=b64encode(secret).decode(), path="/flag.html").to_json() io.sendlineafter(b"> ", tmp.encode()) return io.recvline().strip().decode() def pow(): io.recvuntil(b"PoW > ") pow = io.recvline().strip().decode() while True: tmp = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=16)) if sha256((pow + tmp).encode()).digest()[-3:] == b"\x00\x00\x00": io.sendline(tmp.encode()) return context.log_level = "DEBUG" io = remote("", int(8081)) pow() token = register("ADMIN_admin") pub = E(bytes_to_long(token[:32]), bytes_to_long(token[32:64])) ct = token[64:-32] tag = token[-32:] session = login("ADMIN", token) with open("./data", "rb") as fp: data = pickle.load(fp) a_list = [] b_list = [] context.log_level = "INFO" for tmp_p in tqdm(sorted(data.keys())): if tmp_p in b_list: continue tmp_P = data[tmp_p] for i in tqdm(range(tmp_p)): tmp_Q = tmp_P * i try: tmp_key = long_to_bytes(int(tmp_Q.x()), 32) except ZeroDivisionError: tmp_key = b"\x00" * 32 tmp_key1 = tmp_key[:16] tmp_key2 = tmp_key[16:] tmp_cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB) tmp_ct = tmp_cipher.encrypt(b"ADMIN_admin_GUES") tmp_token = long_to_bytes(int(tmp_P.x()), 32) + long_to_bytes(int(tmp_P.y()), 32) + tmp_ct tmp_tag =, tmp_token, sha256).digest() tmp_token += tmp_tag tmp_session = login("ADMIN", tmp_token) if tmp_session is not None: break if i != 0: # needed, but don't know why a_list.append(i) b_list.append(tmp_p) print(prod(b_list), len(b_list)) if prod(b_list) > n**2: break skey_mod_n = int(sqrt(int(crt([a**2 for a in a_list], b_list)))) for i in range(2**8): ans = flag(session, long_to_bytes(skey_mod_n + n * i, 33)) if "flag" in ans: print(ans)
The timeout is very strict, so I need to run this script on an EC2 instance in Korea region.
15 solves!/usr/bin/python3 import Character import load_and_save import base64 import sys import socket import os import random EAT_COMMAND = 1 PWN_COMMAND = 2 SLEEP_COMMAND = 3 DATE_COMMAND = 4 SAVE_COMMAND = 5 DEBUG = True def read_flag(): with open("flag", "r") as f: flag = return flag def load(ID, PW): status, character_load = load_and_save.load_game(ID, PW) if status == load_and_save.LOAD_SUCCESS: character = character_load return status, character new_character = Character.Character() new_character.stamina = 100 return status, new_character def go(sock): sock.settimeout(60) # No response for 60s then connection will be closed. # trying to load a save file based on ID, PW first ID_len = int.from_bytes(sock.recv(2), 'little') ID = sock.recv(ID_len).decode() PW_len = int.from_bytes(sock.recv(2), 'little') PW = sock.recv(PW_len).decode() status, character = load(ID, PW) print(len(character.nickname), character.nickname, character.stamina, character.intelligence, character.friendship) print(status) sock.send(status.to_bytes(1, 'little')) if status == load_and_save.LOAD_SUCCESS: sock.send(len(character.nickname).to_bytes(2, 'little') + character.nickname.encode()) sock.send(, 'little')) sock.send(character.stamina.to_bytes(4, 'little')) sock.send(character.intelligence.to_bytes(4, 'little')) sock.send(character.friendship.to_bytes(4, 'little')) if status != load_and_save.LOAD_SUCCESS: nickname_len = int.from_bytes(sock.recv(2), 'little') character.nickname = sock.recv(nickname_len).decode('utf-8', 'ignore') character.stamina = 100 while True: com = int.from_bytes(sock.recv(1), 'little') if com == 0: # Meaning that connection is closed if DEBUG: print("connection closed") exit() elif com == EAT_COMMAND: rnd = random.randint(1, 4) sock.send(rnd.to_bytes(1, 'little')) character.stamina += rnd += 1 elif com == PWN_COMMAND: rnd = random.randint(1, 4) sock.send(rnd.to_bytes(1, 'little')) if character.stamina >= 10: character.stamina -= 10 character.intelligence += rnd += 1 elif com == SLEEP_COMMAND: rnd = random.randint(1, 4) sock.send(rnd.to_bytes(1, 'little')) character.stamina += rnd += 1 pass elif com == DATE_COMMAND: rnd = random.randint(1, 4) sock.send(rnd.to_bytes(1, 'little')) if character.stamina >= 10 and character.intelligence.bit_length() >= character.friendship: character.stamina -= 10 character.friendship += 1 += 1 if character.friendship == 34: flag = read_flag() sock.send(len(flag).to_bytes(2, 'little') + flag.encode()) elif com == SAVE_COMMAND: file_data_enc_len = int.from_bytes(sock.recv(2), 'little') file_data_enc = sock.recv(file_data_enc_len) tag = sock.recv(16) status = load_and_save.save_game(ID, PW, character, file_data_enc, tag) sock.send(status.to_bytes(1, 'little')) def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 3: print(f"usage : {sys.argv[0]} [host] [port]") return ip = sys.argv[1] port = int(sys.argv[2]) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.bind((ip, port)) sock.listen(0x10) while True: client_sock, addr = sock.accept() if DEBUG: print(f"[+] new connection - {addr[0]}") pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: try: go(client_sock) except Exception as e: if DEBUG: print(e, '-', addr[0]) client_sock.close() exit() else: client_sock.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
In order to get a flag, we need to increase friendship to 34. We can increase friendship by DATE_COMMAND if stamina >= 10 and intelligence.bit_length() >= friendship. Since the server state is saved in a file, we should make an evil state to increase friendship to 33 and intelligence to 0xFFFFFFFF.
I made file_data_enc, tag, ID, PW1, PW2 with the following conditions:
- DEC1(file_data_enc) = nickname_len1|nickname1|day1|...|friendship1|some_bytes|pad
- DEC2(file_data_enc) = length_before_day2|some_bytes|day2|...|friendship2|some_bytes|pad
- file_data_enc = some_bytes|C (0x10)|some_bytes (0x10)
where DEC1 and DEC2 are decryption functions of AES-GCM with keys from PW1 and PW2, respectively.
After that, I send file_data_enc in SAVE, execute PWN -> DATE and get the flag.
solve.sageimport string import random import hashlib from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes from pwn import remote from tqdm import tqdm import Character X = GF(2).polynomial_ring().gen() poly = X ** 128 + X ** 7 + X ** 2 + X ** 1 + 1 F = GF(2 ** 128, name='a', modulus=poly) R.<x> = PolynomialRing(F) def decrypt_and_parse_save_data(key, nonce, save_data, tag): cipher =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce) file_data = unpad(cipher.decrypt_and_verify(save_data, tag), 16) idx = 0 nickname_len = int.from_bytes(file_data[idx:idx+2], 'little') idx += 2 nickname = file_data[idx:idx+nickname_len].decode('utf-8', 'ignore') idx += nickname_len day = int.from_bytes(file_data[idx:idx+4], 'little') idx += 4 stamina = int.from_bytes(file_data[idx:idx+4], 'little') idx += 4 intelligence = int.from_bytes(file_data[idx:idx+4], 'little') idx += 4 friendship = int.from_bytes(file_data[idx:idx+2], 'little') print(nickname_len, nickname, stamina, intelligence, friendship) character = Character.Character(nickname, day, stamina, intelligence, friendship) return character def tobin(x, n): x = Integer(x) nbits = x.nbits() assert nbits <= n return x.bits() + [0] * (n - nbits) def frombin(v): return int("".join(map(str, v)), 2) def toF(x): x = frombin(tobin(x, 128)) return F.fetch_int(x) def fromF(x): x = x.integer_representation() x = frombin(tobin(x, 128)) return x ID = b"abcdhogetaroABCDHOGETARO12345678900" # random PW1 = b"zxcvvBIIDFSFJIO78932y7faodfjaou" # random id_hash = hashlib.sha256(ID).digest() pw_hash1 = hashlib.sha256(PW1).digest() nonce = id_hash[:12] file_name = id_hash[16:24].hex() key1 = pw_hash1[:16] file_data1 = b'\x03\x00You\x00\x00\x00\x00d\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' # default cipher1 =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce) file_data_enc = cipher1.encrypt(file_data1) idx = 0 nickname_len = int.from_bytes(file_data1[idx:idx+2], 'little') while True: PW2 = b"zxcvvBIIDFSFJIO78932y7faodfjaou" + "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=8)).encode() pw_hash2 = hashlib.sha256(PW2).digest() key2 = pw_hash2[:16] cipher2 =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce) file_data2 = cipher2.decrypt(file_data_enc) idx = 0 nickname_len2 = int.from_bytes(file_data2[idx:idx+2], 'little') if 100 < nickname_len2 < 300 and (2 + nickname_len2) % 16 == 0: break day = 1337 # random stamina = 11337 # random intelligence = 0xffffffff friendship = 33 payload = file_data1 + (nickname_len2 - len(file_data1) + 2) * b"\x00" + int(day).to_bytes(4, 'little') + int(stamina).to_bytes(4, 'little') + int(intelligence).to_bytes(4, 'little') + int(friendship).to_bytes(4, 'little') cipher2 =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce) enc_payload2 = file_data_enc[:len(file_data1)] + cipher2.encrypt(payload)[len(file_data1):] while True: cipher1 =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce) tmp = pad(cipher1.decrypt(enc_payload2) + os.urandom(6 + random.randint(2, 100) * 16), 16) cipher1 =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce) tmp_enc = cipher1.encrypt(tmp) try: cipher2 =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce) payload2 = unpad(cipher2.decrypt(tmp_enc), 16) enc_payload = tmp_enc break except ValueError as e: continue cipher1 =, mode=AES.MODE_ECB) H1 = toF(bytes_to_long(cipher1.encrypt(b"\x00" * 16))) S1 = toF(bytes_to_long(cipher1.encrypt(nonce + b"\x00\x00\x00\x01"))) cipher2 =, mode=AES.MODE_ECB) H2 = toF(bytes_to_long(cipher2.encrypt(b"\x00" * 16))) S2 = toF(bytes_to_long(cipher2.encrypt(nonce + b"\x00\x00\x00\x01"))) L = toF(int("%016x%016x" % (0, 8*len(enc_payload)), 16)) Cs = [] for i in tqdm(range(0, len(enc_payload), 16)): Cs.append(toF(bytes_to_long(enc_payload[i:i+16]))) Cs_payload = Cs.copy() Cs_payload[-2] = x T1 = toF(0) for i, C in enumerate(Cs_payload[::-1], 2): T1 += C * H1**i T1 += L * H1 + S1 T2 = toF(0) for i, C in enumerate(Cs_payload[::-1], 2): T2 += C * H2**i T2 += L * H2 + S2 f = T1 - T2 roots = f.roots() tmp = roots[0][0] Cs_payload[-2] = tmp T1 = toF(0) for i, C in enumerate(Cs_payload[::-1], 2): T1 += C * H1**i T1 += L * H1 + S1 tag = long_to_bytes(fromF(T1)) final_enc_payload = enc_payload[:-32] + long_to_bytes(fromF(tmp)) + enc_payload[-16:] print(f"{len(final_enc_payload) = }") # check character1 = decrypt_and_parse_save_data(key1, nonce, final_enc_payload, tag) character2 = decrypt_and_parse_save_data(key2, nonce, final_enc_payload, tag) # save evil state io = remote("", int(3434)) io.send(len(ID).to_bytes(2, 'little') + ID) io.send(len(PW1).to_bytes(2, 'little') + PW1) status = io.recv(1) print(status) if status[0] == 1: # LOAD_SUCCESS nickname_len = int.from_bytes(io.recv(2), 'little') print(nickname_len) character.nickname = io.recv(nickname_len).decode() = int.from_bytes(io.recv(4), 'little') character.stamina = int.from_bytes(io.recv(4), 'little') character.intelligence = int.from_bytes(io.recv(4), 'little') character.friendship = int.from_bytes(io.recv(4), 'little') else: print("restart") SAVE_COMMAND = 5 io.send(SAVE_COMMAND.to_bytes(1, 'little')) io.send(len(final_enc_payload).to_bytes(2, 'little') + final_enc_payload) io.send(tag) status = int.from_bytes(io.recv(1), 'little') assert status == 11 io.close() # get flag io = remote("", int(3434)) io.send(len(ID).to_bytes(2, 'little') + ID) io.send(len(PW2).to_bytes(2, 'little') + PW2) status = io.recv(1) if status[0] == 1: # LOAD_SUCCESS nickname_len = int.from_bytes(io.recv(2), 'little') character.nickname = io.recv(nickname_len + 1).decode() # NOTE: +1 is needed because of something (maybe because decoding of some nickname bytes are ignored) = int.from_bytes(io.recv(4), 'little') character.stamina = int.from_bytes(io.recv(4), 'little') character.intelligence = int.from_bytes(io.recv(4), 'little') character.friendship = int.from_bytes(io.recv(4), 'little') else: print("restart") io.send(int(2).to_bytes(1, 'little')) _ = io.recv(1) io.send(int(4).to_bytes(1, 'little')) _ = io.recv(1) flag_len = int.from_bytes(io.recv(2), 'little') flag = io.recv(flag_len).decode() io.close()
34 solves
FactorGame.pyimport sys from random import SystemRandom from Crypto.Util.number import getStrongPrime def show(data): data = "".join(map(str, data)) sys.stdout.write(data) sys.stdout.flush() def input(): return sys.stdin.readline().strip() def main(): show('Welcome to the FactorGame\n') show("The Game is simple factor N given N and bits of p, q\n") show("you have 5 lives for each game\n") show("win 8 out of 10 games to get the flag\n") show("good luck\n\n") known = 264 success = 0 for i in range(10): show(f"game{i + 1} start!\n") life = 5 while life > 0: p = getStrongPrime(512) q = getStrongPrime(512) N = p * q cryptogen = SystemRandom() counter = 0 while counter < 132 * 2 or counter > 137 * 2: counter = 0 p_mask = 0 q_mask = 0 for _ in range(known): if cryptogen.random() < 0.5: p_mask |= 1 counter += 1 if cryptogen.random() < 0.5: q_mask |= 1 counter += 1 p_mask <<= 1 q_mask <<= 1 p_redacted = p & p_mask q_redacted = q & q_mask show(f'p : {hex(p_redacted)}\n') show(f'p_mask : {hex(p_mask)}\n') show(f'q : {hex(q_redacted)}\n') show(f'q_mask : {hex(q_mask)}\n') show(f'N : {hex(N)}\n') show('input p in hex format : ') inp = int(input(), 16) show('input q in hex format : ') inq = int(input(), 16) if inp == p and inq == q: success += 1 show('success!\n') break else: show('wrong p, q\n') life -= 1 show(f'{life} lives left\n') if success >= 8: show('master of factoring!!\n') flag = open('/flag', 'r').read() show(f'here is your flag : {flag}\n') else: show('too bad\n') show('mabye next time\n') exit() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
In order to get a flag, we need to factorize N with partially known p and q.
From randomly distributed known bits of p and q, we can recover lower bits of p and q. This can be done by a solver I wrote in the past. This solver recovers factors from lower bits by BFS. But this solver doesn't finish before it finds the whole factors, so I need to modify it to stop when it reaches 264 bits and returns the all candidates.
After we get lower bits of them, we should recover higher bits. Since 264 bits out of 512 bits are known, we can do this by coppersmith method. But the server has a strict timeout, so I need to make coppersmith faster.
solve.pyimport subprocess import factor # my solver from pwn import remote from multiprocessing import Pool def coppersmith(args): p_lsb, N = args proc =["sage", "./copper.sage", str(p_lsb), str(N)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) try: p = int(proc.stdout) q = N // p assert p * q == N return p, q except: return None, None while True: skip = 0 end = False io = remote("", 8287) for round in range(10): print(f"{round = }") if end: break if skip > 2: break for life in range(5): print(f"{life = }") io.recvuntil(b"p : ") p_redacted = int(io.recvline(), 16) io.recvuntil(b"p_mask : ") p_mask = int(io.recvline(), 16) io.recvuntil(b"q : ") q_redacted = int(io.recvline(), 16) io.recvuntil(b"q_mask : ") q_mask = int(io.recvline(), 16) io.recvuntil(b"N : ") N = int(io.recvline(), 16) p_vec = [] q_vec = [] for i in range(264): if (p_mask >> i) & 1 == 1: p_vec.append((p_redacted >> i) & 1) else: p_vec.append(-1) if (q_mask >> i) & 1 == 1: q_vec.append((q_redacted >> i) & 1) else: q_vec.append(-1) for _ in range(0): p_vec.append(-1) q_vec.append(-1) p_vec = p_vec[::-1] q_vec = q_vec[::-1] pq_cands = factor.from_vector_all(N, p_vec, q_vec) print(f"{len(pq_cands) = }") if len(pq_cands) > 20: print("skip because of too many candidates") io.sendlineafter(b"format : ", hex(0).encode()) io.sendlineafter(b"format : ", hex(0).encode()) continue with Pool(2) as pool: pq_cands =, [(pq[0], N) for pq in pq_cands]) p, q = list(filter(lambda x: x[0] is not None, pq_cands))[0] assert p * q == N io.sendlineafter(b"format : ", hex(p).encode()) io.sendlineafter(b"format : ", hex(q).encode()) break else: skip += 1 if not end and skip < 3: print(io.recvline()) print(io.recvline()) print(io.recvline()) print(io.recvline()) print(io.recvline()) print(io.recvline()) print(io.recvline()) print(io.recvline()) print(io.recvline()) io.close() break else: io.close()
coppersmith.sageimport re import subprocess import sys # from sagemath, but modified in order to speed up def small_roots(f, X=None, beta=1.0, epsilon=None, **kwds): self = f from sage.misc.verbose import verbose from sage.matrix.constructor import Matrix from sage.rings.real_mpfr import RR N = self.parent().characteristic() if not self.is_monic(): raise ArithmeticError("Polynomial must be monic.") beta = RR(beta) if beta <= 0.0 or beta > 1.0: raise ValueError("0.0 < beta <= 1.0 not satisfied.") f = self.change_ring(ZZ) P,(x,) = f.parent().objgens() delta = if epsilon is None: epsilon = beta/8 verbose("epsilon = %f"%epsilon, level=2) m = max(beta**2/(delta * epsilon), 7*beta/delta).ceil() verbose("m = %d"%m, level=2) t = int( ( delta*m*(1/beta -1) ).floor() ) verbose("t = %d"%t, level=2) if X is None: X = (0.5 * N**(beta**2/delta - epsilon)).ceil() verbose("X = %s"%X, level=2) # we could do this much faster, but this is a cheap step # compared to LLL g = [x**j * N**(m-i) * f**i for i in range(m) for j in range(delta) ] g.extend([x**i * f**m for i in range(t)]) # h B = Matrix(ZZ, len(g), delta*m + max(delta,t) ) for i in range(B.nrows()): for j in range( g[i].degree()+1 ): B[i,j] = g[i][j]*X**j # B = B.LLL(**kwds) B = flatter(B) # use flatter f = sum([ZZ(B[0,i]//X**i)*x**i for i in range(B.ncols())]) R = f.roots() ZmodN = self.base_ring() # roots = set([ZmodN(r) for r,m in R if abs(r) <= X]) roots = set([ZmodN(r) for r,m in R]) # NOTE: remove strict range condition Nbeta = N**beta # return [root for root in roots if N.gcd(ZZ(self(root))) >= Nbeta] return list(roots) # NOTE: remove gcd >= N**beta condition def flatter(mat): s = "[\n" for i in range(mat.nrows()): s += "[" + " ".join(map(str, mat[i])) + "]\n" s += "]" ret = subprocess.check_output(["flatter"], input=s.encode()) return matrix(mat.base_ring(), mat.nrows(), mat.ncols(), map(mat.base_ring(), re.findall(r"-?\d+", ret.decode()))) assert len(sys.argv) == 3 p_lsb = int(sys.argv[1]) N = int(sys.argv[2]) set_verbose(0) PR.<p_msb> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(N)) f = 2**511 + p_msb * 2**264 + p_lsb f = f.monic() roots = small_roots(f, beta=0.5, epsilon=0.011) assert len(roots) <= 1 if len(roots) > 0: p = gcd(int(f(roots[0])), N) print(p) else: print(None)